Shippers have long been hearing (and gearing up for) the massive expansion of the Panama Canal, known as the “Third Set of Locks.” As shippers continue to optimize their supply chains, many are discussing the plausibility of Panama as a warehousing and distribution hub.
As a result of the questions our customers we are hearing from our customers, we are excited to announce the release of Lilly & Associates International’s white paper “Panama’s Colon Free Zone: Challenges and Opportunities of a Logistics Hub.” The research explores the geography, international trends, Panama’s political and economic climate, unrest and inequality, infrastructure, economic fundamentals and labor force trends and laws.
Lilly & Associates International is no stranger to the subject; the Miami based freight-forwarder has found a niche in Latin American distribution. With a 100,000 square foot warehouse in the Colon Free Zone, the company coordinates global distribution to and from Colon, Panama.
To download the white paper, please click on the following link.